Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hi, I am Mardie. Born in Salt Lake City. Grew up in a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota and met my husband in a canoe. That's fitting, isn't it? We have 5 children, 4 of whom are married and we have 8 grandchildren. Our youngest child is graduating from High School this year. We have lived in Arkansas for a total of 15 years. 1990-95 then 2000 to the present. We love it here! My life whirls around the church and school and my husband and our kids and their kids. I babysit a granddaughter every Monday and others as their parents need help. I am taking SCUBA lessons right now. Crazy!
I love to garden, I love to read when I have time, I love home crafts. I am excited to learn new things in "Trading Pieces".

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