Facebook: "Ready for some boyish fun? More info to come but here are the color assignments. You will need 1 fat quarter of black (or a black on black print) and 1 fat quarter of your assigned color/print. I have 4 boys -5 including my husband ;-). Think star wars, bugs, stars, wheels, airplanes, monsters, mud, transformers, soccer.... Have fun. Marnita will send out info and a tutorial.
Blue-Terri Shaw Bailey
Blue-Kristin Beaumont
Purple-Courtney Sanderson
Purple-Llewellyn Webster
Yellow-Lara McElderry
Green-Jennifer Turnbull Russell
Yellow-Mardie Tobler
Green-Connie Bisbee Tollett
Red- Nikki Webster
Red- Julie Larson
Orange- Marnita Bisbee
Orange-Jennifer Schwartz"