Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A New Year A New Beginning

After a couple of months without a computer I borrowed my sisters to get some work done on this blog and with our group.

I am assuming that all except Jennifer Schwartz are going to be with the group this year.  If for someone reason you are not able to be a part of our group, please let me know.

I have assignments for this year.  I realize we are a month behind but I think we should be able to catch up quickly. 

Sally  and Liz are still due squares from last year.  Can you both quickly put up a tutorial for your squares and we can work them in as we get some time.  If anyone needs help doing these extra squares just give me a call and I can do them.

Here are the 2013 assignments:

January   Connie
February   Mardie
March     Sherrie T.
April       Emily
May        Jennifer
June        Llewellyn
July        Vanitta
August    Sherri D.
September    Sally
October      Marnita
November   Liz
December   Open Slot

As you can see we are in need of another quilter.  If you have someone you think might want to be a part of this just let me know...

Obviously there is going to be a little leeway for January squares to get done since the month is over.  Mardie, please let me know if putting up a tutorial for Feb is going to be okay or if I need to swap.

1 comment:

mardie said...

I'm in. February would be fine. One tutorial coming up!