Thursday, September 11, 2014

August Square - Calm Seas

Here it is!!    Calm Seas

I love this quilt and I'm making it as a gift so thank you so much in advance for your help!  I will send all the material.  Please use a 1/4 inch seam, this will be very important or the corners and seams won't match up. I noticed I had to do a little stretching to line up my seams and corners. See below.

You will be given 4 green squares, 16 blue triangles, 4 brown diamond shapes, 16 cream oblong triangles. For the center of the block you will be given 1 blue square, 4 cream triangles, and 4 darker cream with brown triangles. First start with the brown diamonds and cream oblong triangles. See

Sew the cream oblong triangles to the brown diamond shapes lining up the sides iron back each time you apply the triangle. Trim when your done with each one. You will have 4 brown and cream

Next you will sew the blue triangles to the green squares ironing back each time. Trim each square, you will have 4 green and blue squares. 

Next you will sew the cream triangles to the blue squares and then sew the darker cream with brown onto the that. See below. This will be the center of the block.

Then assembly to look like this below. Thank you so much and I hope you have fun!! 


Jennifer R. said...

Austin is going to love this! I can't wait to get my square done for you and get caught up on the other 2 blocks I have to sew!

Sherrie T said...

Thank you Jen!

sdillon said...

Sherrie I finally finished your block on Saturday. Hope it wasn't for a Christmas present! Sorry so slow! It was a bit tricky to get all the points to match up!
For some reason none of the pictures in your posts are ahowing up for me. Just a grey box with a white line where a picture should be